What is Endometriosis centre ?

Endometriosis is a chronic, difficult and debilitating disease with serious physical implications for those women unfortunate enough to suffer from it. It can involve a number of organs and cause painful periods, pelvic pain, ‘dyspareunia’, (painful intercourse), bowel pain and urinary problems. In addition endometriosis can also cause infertility in many patients making it difficult to conceive.

This complex disease affects every aspect of life including physical, mental, social, fertility and psychosexual health. Often invalidated, misunderstood or neglected by the medical community, many sufferers may struggle in silence.

Given the complex nature of this disease, endometriosis requires a team approach, with experts working together in a seamless fashion to deliver good multidisciplinary care. The Endometriosis Centre team, led by Consultant Gynaecologist, Mr Amer Raza, also includes world class laparoscopic colorectal and urological surgeons, a pain specialist and fertility experts. We believe in holistic care of patients with this difficult disease, and have also partnered with a psychosexual counsellor and a nutritionist to help with difficult personal health and wellbeing issues caused by endometriosis. We believe we offer a first-class service for patients and their families.

Mr Amer Raza is part of BSGE affiliated centre for advanced endometriosis in Chelsea and Westminster Hospital and member of many international laparoscopic faculties such as European and American societies of Gynaecological endoscopy. He has presented in many international meetings and published in the peer reviewed Journals.

Mr Raza has developed this excellent international service for endometriosis patients to meet all their needs. There has been a great amount of work done to achieve the best team together comprising of all specialists. He works very closely with fertility experts so to facilitate the transition form endometriosis surgery, recovery and then fertility treatment.

The consultation are carried out in Chelsea and Westminster hospital (Pvt wing) and Women wellness centre.The patient remains the focus of all activities and we work very closely to address all the concerns of a patient.

<strong>If you want any further information, please call Centre manager Tara Thomas on 07891989498 or use the contact form</strong>