Mr Dimtrios Nikolaou


Mr Dimitrios Nikolaou is a Consultant Gynaecologist and Specialist in Reproductive Medicine and Surgery. He is one of the most experienced fertility specialists in the UK and is a recognised authority in the areas of infertility in the late thirties and in the 40’s, as well as the assessment of the ovarian reserve and management of the early onset of infertility in younger women (‘early ovarian ageing’). He has lectured internationally on these topics and leads an active research team. He has also undergone extensive training in advanced minimal access surgery with emphasis on endometriosis and is therefore uniquely qualified to be part of the endometriosis team.

He is a graduate of the University of Athens Medical School, Greece, and has worked continuously for the NHS, in the United Kingdom, since January 1994, becoming a member of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists in 1997 and a Fellow in 2016.
He completed seven years of specialist training in all aspects of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in England and Scotland with emphasis in evidence-based medicine under Professor Alan Templeton, 2 more years of clinical research in Assisted Reproduction Technology at the Hammersmith Hospital in London under the supervision of Professor Lord Winston, as well as 3 years of full sub-speciality training in Reproductive Medicine and surgery at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital under Professor John Studd, prior to taking up his Consultant post in 2005. He holds full UK speciality accreditation in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, full sub-speciality accreditation in Reproductive Medicine and Surgery, as well as formal accreditation in minimal access surgery.  

He still works in the NHS, at the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, where he is the Clinical lead for the Assisted Conception Unit and director of the Sub-specialty training program in Reproductive medicine. Under his clinical supervision the team provides more than 3.000 outpatient infertility consultations and over 1000 assisted conception treatment cycles each year. He leads the ovarian ageing and fertility program as well as the infectious disease program. His Unit is a centre of excellence for the management of infertility, especially in women in the late thirties and forties, and UKs only centre for the management of infertility in couples with blood-borne viral infections such as HIV or Hepatitis B and C. He is also an honorary senior clinical lecturer at the Imperial College School of Medicine and is heavily involved in the training of new doctors.

Just over10 years ago he founded “Fertility for life”, with the aim of promoting a more creative and fulfilling life. Through his private clinics he has been providing independent medical advice and treatment, in collaboration with selected top laboratories in the UK and abroad.

His research currently focuses on sub-fertility related to compromised ovarian reserve due to various causes, such as endometriosis or surgery, the effect of blood-borne viruses on ovarian reserve, the development of screening strategies to detect women whose ovaries will ‘age early’, and the association of ‘early ovarian ageing’ to other aspects of human ageing.
Mr Nikolaou published the first papers about the link between poor response to ovarian stimulation in asymptomatic young women with subsequent early menopause and he later described “early ovarian ageing” as an entity suitable for screening. He was part of the working group of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists on Reproductive ageing and he co-edited the relevant RCOG book, as well as the guidelines and recommendations for clinical practice and research. 

Mr Nikolaou has a strong interest in philosophy and especially the philosophy of happiness, and also enjoys cycling, restoring vintage bicycles, abstract painting, building industrial models and sculpture, walking and reading.

If you need any further information you can also visit my website and my contact number is 07515 161 203.

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