What Causes Endometriosis?

Discovering the symptoms of Endometriosis can be upsetting, though many people aren’t aware of the biological actions that take place to allow this disease to manifest inside the body. That is why we at the Endometriosis Centre offer our advice and support by answering the question “What causes Endometriosis?” to ensure that you have an understanding of the disease’s initial development.

Endometriosis is a result of endometrial-like mucosal cells beginning to grow and function in areas or organs that aren’t part of the womb. Endometrial cells are normally found in the endometrial lining of the uterus, meaning that these related cells that are growing around the body are working similarly to the way they would during the times of a woman’s menstrual cycle or ovulatory cycle; sometimes both.

Those who research Endometriosis have proposed that as growths begin to appear around the body, the immune system identifies this as unnatural and responds to this in order to destroy these growths. There have been others who suggest that the immune system does not notice these growths until it is too late. This is what begins the conflict between the disease and a women’s immune system; causing regular responses such as inflammation and other immune related functions to have recurring fluctuations.

Without the right treatment, these symptoms do run the risk of developing into more serious issues. To find out how we can diagnose and treat Endometriosis, don’t hesitate to contact our consultants by giving us a call on 07891989498. Alternatively, you can email us at pa@chelseawellwomen.co.uk.